Humanitarian supply of medicines and food to Kramatorsk

15 pallets 6,2 tons € 76,310 spent Cargo Medicines, food Destination Kramatorsk Cargo details: Injection solutions, analgesics, antibiotics, adrenaline, titanium implants for limbs. Canned food, cereals, oil, sugar, tea, coffee. Status: Delivered

Humanitarian supply of medicine and food to Kharkiv

14 pallets 5,75 tons € 50,290 spent Cargo Medicines, food Destination Kharkiv Cargo details: Analgesics, antibiotics, adrenaline, injection solutions, System for spinal trauma surgery. Cereals, milk, canned food, tea, coffee, oil. Status: Delivered

Humanitarian supply of medicine and food to Odessa

24 pallets 13,5 tons € 36,865 spent Cargo Medicines, food Destination Odessa Cargo Details: prescription and first aid medicines, vegetables, fruits, canned food, milk, cereals Status: Humanitarian aid has been delivered to its destination and distributed among local residents and refugees.​

Humanitarian supply of medicine to Chernihiv, food for Vyshgorod and pet supplies to Rivne

24 pallets 10,6 tons € 55,600 spent Cargo Groceries, First Aid Medicines, Prescription Drugs, Veterinary Drugs and Pet Supplies Destination Chernihiv regional hospital (medicines),Vyshgorod (food),Rivne (pet supplies) Cargo Details: Cereals, butter, tea, coffee, snacks, canned food, bandages, analgesics, antibiotics, injection solutions, anti-inflammatory drugs, resuscitation drugs, feed and medical preparations for animals Status: Goods are delivered […]

Humanitarian cargo delivered to Slobozhanskoye, Kharkiv region

26 pallets 7,3 tons € 49,856 spent Cargo Food and Essentials Destination Chuguev district, Kharkiv region Cargo Details: disposable tableware, tea, canned food, snacks, fast food, baby food, soap, shampoos, shower gels, diapers, baby wipes Status: Delivered to Slobozhanskoye, Kharkiv region.

Two trucks with humanitarian aid arrived in Kharkiv on March 23

54 pallets 32 tons € 56,000 spent Cargo Food and Essentials Destination Kharkiv Cargo Details: canned food, tea, coffee, cookies, cereals, snacks, baby formula, diapers, wet wipes, soap Status: Humanitarian aid has been delivered to its destination and distributed